Page name: The Princess Dove [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-08-10 16:31:05
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<img:>The Princess Dove<img:>

Once upon a time...

in the faraway kingdom of Golandith, there was a beautiful princess with flowing, raven-black hair, lovely hazel eyes that glowed a mystic green in the moonlight, charmingly pale skin with only a dash of freckles on her cheeks and lush, full lips. Every man her age sought after her affection.
One day, while singing in the forest, she came upon a wounded hunter in the woods, his legs broken and bleeding in the mud and his cries echoing in the trees. He beckoned the princess for help, beseeched her to carry him home. The princess, though small in stature compared to this man, hurried to help, offering her hands in aide. It was then that the wounded hunter transformed into an angry and dark wizard, who cast a spell on the princess, changing her into a white dove on the spot. He laughed at her as he caged her and said, "You have caught the eye of I, the Dark Warlock Meyadeth, and you shall be mine. Every night, you will be woman, but every day you shall remain feathered and caged. Soon, the world will forget about you and your beauty, and when that day comes, you will return to the kingdom with me as your king, and I shall rule the kingdom in darkness and shadow."
Fortunately for the princess, her good friend, a shape-shifter named Perin, had been spying in the form of a weasle, and after hearing the Dark Warlock Meyadeth's plot, he scampered back to the kingdom, changing before the great King Liadar and telling him the fate of his daughter. The King sent out every knight and soldier he could muster... but no one could find the princess or the Dark Warlock. And so the King set out a reward: To the brave knight who rescues my beloved daughter, and brings her home to me alive and well, shall recieve a handsome three hundred pences and be named Duke of all the Northern lands of Golandith, along with a last favor, that shall be bestowed at the knight's request.
Little time has passed... and ones brave enough to journey for the princess are growing thin in numbers... Yet still the princess waits in the iron cage of the Dark Warlock in his own shadowed kingdom far away... losing hope... losing strength.

Who will save her now?


Princess Dove: Characters
Princess Dove: Rules
Princess Dove: Roleplay


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2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Eeee! *glomps sunshine* ^^ YAY! Join! You make good badies. Make me a villain! XD

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: And Tsome-kun, how about you start in the Neutral area first? That way you can run around the forest with my charrie instead of waiting for someone to come find you. :)

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: Pah I don't know what to make.. ;_; I usually do, but I'm just lost for ideas, lol.

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* You should make... *shifty eyes* <.< >.> <.< .................. A PLATAPUS!

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: That would actually be pretty cute, and I'd call it Horry! xDD But he wouldn't be able to do much. :P

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Sure he could! XD He can swim! And... build things with his tail! And EAT SNAILS! :D

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: Hmmm wouldn't be very helpful to the princess now would it? :P XD

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *giggles* Maybe he can be a magical platapus? XD He can cast spells and whatnot. :P *gasp!* He can be the white magician that breaks the curse on Arlen! XD

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: Now that would be a twist right there! :OOOO That's it, no one take my platypus character! XD

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol! YAY! XDDD

2009-07-30 [Atayemi]: I'm off out now so I'll make him as soon as I get home. :P

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Okies. ^^ Like I told Jadey and Tsome-kun, I'm here all day.

2009-07-30 [Eyelash-Wishes]: lol ok i'll make a villain :D

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: YAY!

2009-07-30 [Eyelash-Wishes]: lol XD i'll get started on them now

2009-07-30 [no one123456]: *sits in a corner* ._.'

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *glomps Ash*

2009-07-30 [Nevermore.]: gah. stoopid me being busy at works...i shall start my charie now

2009-07-30 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nod nod*

2009-07-30 [no one123456]: *snuggles Lainie* ^///////^

2009-07-31 [shadowfire09]: oh lainie, I finally come back and you are gone. You poop.

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